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  • character growth


    I actively practiced yoga at home consistently, and I didn't notice how much it impacted me until I wasn't doing it. After moving here, I didn't know of a good studio or instructors yet. I got really busy and just kept pushing it to the side, but I have been prioritizing my practice. I made sure to get small sessions in, even if it was just in my bedroom. I also started trying out new yoga studios and am so happy to be back at it!

    ^ a photo of my mat after a recovery yoga class


    time management

    I have been working on my time management, as I have picked up clubs, a sorority, and am doing things for myself like going to the gym, practicing yoga, and taking dance classes. I have been heavily relying on my google calendar to make sure I don't miss a thing. I love my calendar and am an avid planner. I also love a paper planner, so I still use one for all of my smaller assignments and project planning. So, time management has been imperative for my sanity!

    grocery shopping 

    It seems strange, but I LOVE grocery shopping! I am very committed to my fitness and food is a big part of fitness. Beyond this though, I just love cooking and baking. When I was home, I did all of the grocery shopping for my family and the family I nannied for. I would put in my headphones and head down the isles of my local Publix. (the best grocery store ever) Coming to college has been difficult as my dorm doesn't have a kitchen, so I have had to navigate eating as clean as I did at home in this new environment. It has been very difficult, but the challenge has been fun for me, and I've been able to sneak in a few cooking and baking sessions at my friend's apartment or my aunt's house. This has been a very big challenge for me, and it has allowed me to grow. 


    I am a dancer, and I miss it! I didn't think I would continue in college, but thanks to some of my friends in dance programs at their universities and Dancing With the Stars, I was itching to get back into the studio. So I asked my mom to ship my pointe shoes and some dance clothes to me, and I began taking classes again. It has been a great escape for me!

    ^a photo of my dance bag that I took before a class :)

This portfolio last updated: 20-Nov-2021 11:47 PM