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  • Intellectual Growth


    I am enrolled in a course called The Dark Side of Relationships. This course is fascinating, and I have included things I have learned in papers for other classes. For example, I was able to include information about social aggression among girls in a paper for my FSEM course and in a paper for my PLP Leadership program class. This was very exciting because all of my courses were overlapping at the same time. 

    putting it into practice

    In my PLP Leadership class, we are signing up for volunteer placements to work with a local non-for-profit in the Denver area. I am looking forward to this experience because we wrote research papers about non-for-profits to appreciate their work so much more. The non-for-profit I chose to work for, has a heavy focus on feminism and uplifting young girls. This is a coincidence because I wrote one of the papers for my FSEM course with a feminist point of view in mind. I also was learning a lot about social aggression among teenage girls in my Communications class at the time, so I will be able to put all of this knowledge to use. 

    new perspectives

    I am enrolled in a comparative religion course in which we investigate the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. We look at where they overlap and where they diverge. This course has been fascinating for me as I did not grow up going to church or practicing any sort of religion. It has been incredibly eye-opening to see how frequently symbolism from these three religions is everywhere around me. For example, in my FSEM class, we investigate fairytales and their origins and adaptations along the way. There are so many religious symbols in all of these stories, so having a bit of understanding is helpful to understand and identify the references. 


    I am in the PLP program here at DU, and in this quarter, I am enrolled in the class, 'Inclusive Leadership.' In this class, we have talked a lot about the intersectionality of our identities. For example, some of my intersectionality of identities includes being a woman and a college student. This is something I have been thinking a lot about whenever I meet someone new. But, in this instance, I was able to bring it up in my communications class, The Dark Side of Relationships. In this class, we all chose relational topics that relate to college students and I was able to talk about intersectionality in the context of college students being able to relate to multiple relationships because of their own personal intersectionality of identities. 

This portfolio last updated: 20-Nov-2021 11:47 PM