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  • General Advice

    Check out general advice shared by our alumni. They tell stories of how they experienced and overcame the challenges during their studies. Hope you find these helpful!

  • Career Conversations

    Check out these videos where JDP alumni and other experts give presentations about career development.

  • Get expert advice on academic publishing as Dr. S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate provides 10 commandments of acadmic publishing to JDP studnets.  Dr. Rodriguez-Plate has been an editor and on editorial boards in the field of religion for 25 years. 

  • Dr. Tisa M. Anders, Dr. Justin Barber, and Dr. Hannah Adams Ingram tell their career stories and advise on finding non-teaching careers.

    JDP alumni give a talk on "How to Get Published." Check this conversation out by Dr. Sophia Arjana, Dr. Norma Cook Everist, and Dr. Carol Wayne White.


  • This Career Conversation is a discussion about careers in academic adminstration.  Dr. Daniel McIntosh is a JDP faculty who was a Dean at DU, Dr. Jeremy Garber is a JDP alumni and Dr. Kristy Firebaugh has  PhD in English and has had an extensive career in administration at DU.

  • Career Stories

    Watch these videos of how JDP alumni build their careers. They share some ideas on topics related to how they decided to pursue their current jobs. 

    Here is a video by Dr. Catlyn Keenan discussing her career as a tenured faculty member at a community college. She also talks about why she chose the DU/Iliff Joint Ph.D. in the Study of Religion for her doctoral work.

    Dr. David Worley talks about teaching and tenure. He shares ideas for finding teaching positions and some pros and cons of pursuing a tenure track position.

    Dr. Tisa M. Anders shares her current job as an independent scholar working in the writing business.

    Dr. Justin Barber talks about his current job as a machine learning scientist.

    Dr. Hannah Adams Ingram shares her story about her current position as a chaplain in a higher education setting.




This portfolio last updated: 12-Mar-2024 12:20 PM