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Helping your data speak: A Workshop on Effective Communication of Statistical Results

  • Helping Your Data Speak: A Workshop on Effective Communication of Statistical Results

     Presentation by Dr. Susan Hutchinson (UNCO) and Antonio Olmos (ARI/DU)

    The AEA push for a set of essential competencies includes the need for evaluators to engage in both verbal and written communication, as well as the interpretation of data and report evaluation findings. Of particular importance is the ability to interpret and summarize data results in a meaningful and understandable manner to different stakeholders whom may have limited training in research methods or statistics. If we fail to do so, we may reduce a full understanding of the effects of a program only to those who are familiar with the statistical terminology. This skill-building session will focus on communicating selected types of statistical findings. Participants will engage in hands-on activities in which they will be provided statistical findings and asked to verbally communicate the findings.AEA_2019_Workshop_Presentation_1.pptx regression_vignettes.pdf 

This portfolio last updated: 01-Aug-2023 9:57 AM