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Siddharth Maan

  • Hometown: New Delhi, India

    Degree in progress: Ph.D., Research Methods and Statistics, with a concentration in Institutional Research

    Previous degrees: Bachelor’s degree, Economics (University of Delhi)
    Master’s degree, Economics (Ambedkar University, New Delhi)

    What inspired you to choose RMS as a field of study?

    Coming from an economics and business background, I understand the power of data in making important business decisions. I joined this program to learn advanced statistical techniques and to enhance my ability to interact collaboratively with researchers in applied fields through the formulation and computational implementation of novel statistical models and mixed research methods.

    What are your research interests?

    My research interests are consumer behavior and marketing.

    What are your professional and/or academic goals?

    When I finish my research, I am looking forward to working in industry or working in a company that’s involved in data analysis.


This portfolio last updated: 30-Jan-2023 4:33 PM