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  • Biographical Description

  • I am a scholar of Modern Latin America, with a special focus on Modern Brazilian Political, Diplomatic, Cultural and Intellectual Histories. My latest book (Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era) examines the political and cultural debates involved in the promotion of fast-paced, state-led programs of development in Brazil in the aftermath of World War II.

    In a broader perspective, my research agenda speaks to a larger intellectual agenda dealing with the dissemination of industrial projects in late-developing societies. I am presently working on the history of US-based developmental ideologies and multilateral developmental programs implemented in Latin America in the second half of the twentieth century, with a special focus on the experiences involved in the implementation of the Alliance for Progress in Brazil in the 1960s.

    I have been the recipient of various prestigious research funds, including from the UNC-Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Rockefeller Archive Center, and the Research Foundation of the State of Sao Paulo. I have presented my work in various important universities in Brazil, including the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the University of Brasilia (UnB), and the University of Sao Paulo (USP), where I was a Visiting Professor at the Institute of International Relations (IRI), in the Fall of 2017.

    My research interests are closely tied to my pedagogical philosophy which seeks to answer some of the big questions involved in the broad patterns of development undergone by late-coming societies. My teaching experiences span into different fields and settings and I have taught both in Brazil and the United States. The list of courses I regularly teach includes colonial and modern Latin American survey history courses, an introduction to Latin American studies through movies, a comparative history of Latin American development, the Making of Modern Brazil, Cities in Latin America, and U.S-Latin American relations. I also regularly teach a graduate course with a colleague at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies on the Global Emergence of Brazil as study-abroad summer course in Rio de Janeiro.


    Latin American Modern History, Latin American Politics, Brazilian History, Brazilian Politics, Development Studies

    Professional Biography

    Rafael R. Ioris is Associate Professor of Latin American History at the University of Denver. He is an affiliated faculty at the Latin American Center at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. He holds a PhD in Latin American History from Emory University, and MA in International Studies from the University of Brasilia, and a BA in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. He is the author ‘Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Cold War Era’ (Routledge: 2014) and numerous articles published in different international journals on topics ranging from the history of development ideologies in the 20th century, the history of labor activism in modern Brazil, to Brazilian foreign policy at the turn of the 21st century. He is currently working on an edited volume on the expansion of economic frontier in the Amazon region in Brazil while also developing a new research on the history of US-Brazil relations in the 1960s and 70s. He is a frequent author of op-ed pieces on Brazilian newspapers, magazines and blogs dealing with current political and cultural issues in Brazil, Latin American and the US.


    • Ph.D., Latin American History, Emory University, 2009
    • MA, International Relations, University of Brasilia, 1998
    • BA, Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 1994
  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Rafael Ioris CV

    Rafael R. Ioris

    Associate Professor

    University of Denver

     (303) 619-1578





    Ph.D., Emory University, 2009.

    Latin American History


    MA, University of Brasilia, 1998.

    International Relations


    BA, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 1994.

    Social Sciences



    Published Intellectual Contributions




    Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020. Co-edited with Antonio Ioris (forthcoming).


    Qual Desenvolvimento? Os Debates, Sentidos e Lições da Era Desenvolvimentista. São Paulo: Paco Editorial, 2017.


    Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era. New York: Routledge, 2014.


    Culturas em Choque: a Globalização e os Desafios para a Convivência Multicultural. São Paulo: Annablume, 2007.


    Academic Articles


    “The Dragon Effect that could have been: Brazil and Mexico’s attempted international assertiveness at the Dawn of the 21st Century, achievements and shortcomings. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. (with Marco Cepik, forthcoming)


    “Trump no Contexto da Crise que Atravessa a Sociedade Norte-Americana: apontamentos gerais sobre as eleições de 2018 no país, seus significados e perspectivas,” Tempo do Mundo, 5(1), Vol. 5, No. 1 (2019), 267-284.  


    “Parceiros em quê? Relações EUA-Brasil na tentativa de modernização do capitalismo latino-americano no marco da Guerra Fria.” Revista Esbocos: Historia em Contextos Globais, Vol. 26. No. 43 (2019), 257-276. (with Josiane Mozer)


    “Uneven and Combined: The Boom-Bust of Emerging Power Development as seen through Embraer.” Tempo do Mundo. Vol. 4, No. 1 (2019): 217-245 (with Aaron Schneider,)


    "In the Country of the Future, a Reversal of Fortune." NACLA — REPORT ON THE AMER ICAS 50, no. 2 (2018): 115-118. (with Brian Mier)


    "Consolidating the Past and Risking the Future: Colombia’s Developmental Trajectory and the Prospects for a Lasting Peace in the Wake of the Havana Accord." Journal of Global South Studies 35, no. 1 (2018): 155-173. (with Antonio Ioris)


    "Colombia's Fractured History and Continued Challenges Following the Havana Accord." Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 13, no. 1 (2018): 79-83. (with Antonio Ioris)


    "Global Intellectual Search and Hemispheric Balancing Acts: The International Face of Brazil’s Quest for National Development in the Postwar Era." Revista da ANHPLAC, Vol1. No. 22 (2017): 296-236.


    "A América Latina e o Brasil na era Trump: desafios e oportunidades." Os impactos da eleição de Trump para a America Latina e o Brasil. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Brasil 1, no. 27 (2017): 5-10.


    "Which America? Brazilian intellectual formulations about Latin America at the turn of the century and their impacts on the constructions of national identity." História: Debates e Tendências 16, no. 2 (2016): 426-441.


    "21st Century Golpismo: A NACLA Roundtable." NACLA Report on the Americas 48, no. 4 (2016): 322-333. (with Bryan Pitts et al.)


    "Ici comme là-bas: European Thought and the Ideational Construction of National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Brazil." Revista de Historia de America 148, no. Jan-June 2013 (2014): 9-28.


    “From Social Incorporation to Market Exclusion: Populism and Globalization in Latin America – Reviewing the Case of National-Developmentalism." Diversitates 5, no. 1 (2013): 1-12.


    "Assessing development and the idea of development in the 1950s in Brazil." Revista de Economia Politica 33, no. 3 (132) (2013): 411-426. (with Antonio Ioris)


    "The Brazilian Developmentalist State in Historical Perspective: Revisiting the 1950s in Light of Today’s Challenges." Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 19, no. 1 (2013): 133-148. (with Antonio Ioris)


    "Fifty Years in Five and What is it in for Us? Development Promotion, Populism, Industrial Workers and Carestia in 1950s Brazil." Journal of Latin American Studies 44, no. 02 (2012): 261-284.


    "Les Elections Presidentielles au Bresil et les Consequences pour la Politique Etrangere Bresilienne." La Chronique de Ameriques 1, no. 5 (2010): 1-7. (with Pablo Ferreira)


    "A Globalização Cultural e os Desafios para uma Governanca Global Democrática." Mural Internacional 1, no. 1 (2010): 33-39.



    "Populismo e Neo-Populismo Latino-Americano e a Busca do Rigor Conceitual." Aedos, vol. 3, no. 6 (2010): 190-193.


    "Agrandando el Pastel: Politicas de Desarollo, Nacionalismo y Relaciones Exteriores em el Brasil de los Anos Cincuenta." Foro Internacional 188: XLVII, no. 2007(2) (2007): 340-368.


    "A America Latina Hoje e o Papel do Brasil como Lideranca Regional Emergente." Cenario Internacional, no. 4, (2007).


    "A Trajetoria da Inserção International da América Latina: algumas lições." Rede Brasileira de Relacoes Internacionais March 2007, (2007).


    Book Chapters


    ‘What is New in the Amazon and How Much of the Amazon is in the New? The 21st Century Brand-Old Frontiers of Exploitation and Development,’ In Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances. Lexington Book, 2020 (with Antonio Ioris, forthcoming).


    ‘What is New in Agribusiness in Brazil: The Long Path of Conservative Modernization in the Perpetual Country-of-the-Future,’ In Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances. Lexington Book, 2020 (with Aaron Schneider, forthcoming). 


    ‘Trump e a crise da sociedade norte-americana: as eleições de 2018, seus significados e perspectivas. In Sebastiao Velasco Cruz & Neusa Bojikian, eds., Trump: primeiro tempo  Partidos, políticas, eleições e perspectivas. Sao Pauo, EdUNESP, 2019.


    ‘Os padrões de interação Brasil-EUA na era Lula: rumo a um relacionamento maduro?,’ In Política Externa Brasileira na Era Lula: um Balanço. Adriano de Freixo, ed. Rio de Janeiro: Apicuri. 2011.


    ‘Choque de Civilizações,’ In Globalização: Atores, Ideias e Instituições. Bernardo Kocher, ed. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad. 2011.


    ‘Kant e o paradoxo da liberdade como obrigação moral,’ In Curso de Ciencia Politica. Ricardo Guanabara, ed., Rio de Janeiro: Campus. 2009.


    Articles in Magazines, Newspapers and Blogs


    O Brasil que arde: Não são só as florestas, mas as instituições democráticas. Folha de Sao Paulo, 2019 (with Aaron Schneider).


    Brazil is burning, and the U.S. is either complicit or willfully. Colorado Sun, 2019

    (with Jean Wyllys)


    Trump e a America Latina: Novidade ou Mais do Mesmo? Observatorio Politico dos Estados Unidos. 2019.


    Hatred and Fear: Bolsonaro and the Return of Irrational Politics. E-International Relations. 2019 (with Andre Pagliarini).


    Restoring the Rule of Law or Deepening into Dictatorial Rule: Brazil’s Dilemma. BrasilWire, 2019.


    Trump and Bolsonaro: Much Ado About Nothing? E-International Relations. 2019.


    America’s Two Giants to Gather: Expectations and Realities. BrasilWire. 2019.


    As elites brasileiras e seu continuado dilema frente ao Liberalismo. Revista Cult, 2019.


    A falsa polarização e a falácia hipócrita do centro. Revista Cult, 2019


    A Republica dos Mediocres - a ARENA entre nos! Revista Cult, 2019.


    What Future for the Country of the Future? NACLA Report on the Americas. 2018.


    A política real, suas contradições e desafios. Revista Cult, 2018.


    Eleições presidenciais no México: ecos do passado, olhos no futuro. Mundo em Transe, 2018.


    Ecos e ruídos de 1989: uma análise do cenário eleitoral em 2018. Revista Cult, 2018.


    Bolsonaro e o obscurantismo global. Revista Cult, 2018.


    A erosão da Nova República e o escancaramento da farsa. Revista Cult, 2018.


    A erosão da democracia e suas vítimas. O Estado de Sao Paulo, 2018.


    Um Pais Rumo `a Barbarie. Mundo em Transe, 2018.


    A retomada autoritária na América Latina. O Estado de Sao Paulo, 2018.


    Nossas elites e a preocupação simbólica com sua imagem. Revista Cult. 2018.


    Brazilian Liberals and Their Atavistic Fear of Democracy. BrasilWire. 2018.


    O golpe da barbárie perpetuada. Revista Cult. 2018.


    A Falacia Privatista. Carta Capital. 2018. (with Aaron Schneider and Fernando Horta)


    Obama e Lula, Trajetórias e Legados Paralelos. O Estado de Sao Paulo. 2018


    Retomando o Passo Errado: os desafios de hoje e o equívoco neoliberal. O Estado de Sao Paulo. 2017.


    Nada e tão ruim que não possa piorar: Bolsonaro Presidente. O Estado de Sao Paulo. 2017.


    Trump, Temer a Crise da Democracia. O Estado de São Paulo. 2017


    Os Desafios do Brasil na Era Trump.: O Estado de São Paulo. 2017.


    A política externa brasileira está à altura dos desafios da Era Trump? Carta Capital. 2017.


    O Tragico Autoritarismo das Classes Medias. Mundo em Transe. 2017.


    Honduras in Flames. New York: NACLA Report on the Americas. 2017. (with Aaron Schneider)


    A direita cristã no Brasil e nos EUA e sua contraditória moralidade. Mundo em Transe. 2017.


    O Pacto Faústico e as Falsas Equivalências. Mundo em Transe. 2017.


    A Ilusão de 2018. Rio de Janeiro: Mundo em Transe. 2017.


    Brasil, do País do Futuro ao País que Poderia ter Sido. Mundo em Transe. 2017.


    Occupying High School in Brazil. NACLA Report on the Americas. 2016.


    Echoes from the past in Colombia’s Developmental trajectory. Latin American Perspectives, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies. 2016.


    Return to the Impossible Game in Latin America? Latin American Perspectives, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies. 2016. (with Aaron Schneider)


    A Tragédia da Farsa. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Tardia e Insuficiente. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Trevas. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Cordialidade pra quem? O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Temer o Vice. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Retrocesso Civilizatório. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Mitigando uma Tragedia Anunciada. O Estado de São Paulo. 2016.


    Coup or no Coup, the damage is done. BrasilWire. 2016. 


    Forever in the Future? BrasilWire. 2015.


    Sixty Years Later: What Have We Learned? BrasilWire. 2015.


    Não é a (Nova) República dos Meus Sonhos. O Estado de São Paulo. 2015.


    Um Espectro Ronda o Brasil. O Estado de São Paulo. 2015.


    O Governo e o Seu Dilema. O Estado de São Paulo. 2015.


    Nossa Guinada Conservadora. O Estado de São Paulo. 2015.


    A Nossa Dificil Cordialidade Democrática. O Estado de São Paulo. 2015.


    Cuba e Estados Unidos: Rumo a um Novo Capitulo. O Estado de Sao Paulo. 2014.


    Mais Cinquenta Anos? O Estado de São Paulo. 2014.


    O México e o Seu Labirinto. O Estado de São Paulo. 2014.


    Espinha Dorsal Verde e Amarela. O Estado de São Paulo. 2014.


    Rumo a Terceiro Turno? O Estado de São Paulo. 2014.



    Book Reviews


    Politics in Uniform: Military Officers and Dictatorship in Brazil, 1960-1980, by Maud Chirio. H-Net Military History. 2019


    La Guerra Fria an America Latina (El Colegio de Mexico, 2018), by Vanni Pettina. Chapel Hill. The LatinAmericanist. 2019. Vol. 63, pp 362-363.


    Wolkswagen in the Amazon: The Tragedy of Global Development in Modern Brazil, by Antoine Acker. Bloomington, American Historical Review. 2019. Vol. 124, pp 1493-1495.


    The Invention of the Beautiful Game: Football and the Making of Modern Brazil, by Gregg Bocketti. Washington. D.C.: The Americas. 2018. 239-140.


    Brazil, 1964-1985: The Military Regimes of Latin America in the Cold War, by Herbert S. Klein & Francisco V. Luna. Washington. D.C.: Journal of Social History. 2017.


    Inglorious Revolution: Political Institutions, Sovereign Debt, and Financial Underdevelopment in Imperial Brazil, by William R. Summerhill. Philadelphia: History: Review of New Books. 2016.


    Memory’s Turn: Reckoning with Dictatorship in Brazil. Critical Human Rights Series, by Rebecca J. Atencio. Tel Aviv: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe. 2016. 117-119.


    Speaking of Flower: Student Movements and the Making and Remembering of 1968 in Military Brazil, by Victoria Langland, Belo Horizonte: Varia Historia. 2016. 261-264.


    Brazil’s Steel City: Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941-1964, by Oliver Dinius. Social History. 2012. 91-93.


    A Place in Politics: São Paulo, Brazil, from Seigneurial Republicanism to Regionalist Revolt, by James Woodard. Tel Aviv: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe. Vol. 22, No. 1. 2011. 153-155.


    Um Nordeste em São Paulo: Trabalhadores migrantes em São Miguel Paulista (1945-66), by Paulo Fontes. Luso-Brazilian Review. 2011. 170-172.


    Awards and Fellowships


    Dean’s Award for Excellence. University of Denver (Winter 2019)


    Office of International Programs, University of Denver. Research Grant (Spring 2018)


    Research Council of the State São Paulo, Visiting Faculty Fellowship (Fall 2017)


    Rockefeller Center Archive, Research Grant (Winter 2017)


    Office of International Programs, University of Denver. Research Grant (Fall 2016)


    Princeton University Libraries, Research Grant (Fall 2016).


    Faculty Senate, University of Denver, Research Grant (Spring 2014)


    UNC-Duke University Consortium in Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Research

    Fellowship (Fall 2012).


    Office of International Programs, University of Denver. Research Grant (Spring 2012)


    Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Teaching Fellowship (2008-2009).


    Coca-Cola Fellowship, Laney Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Emory University (2001-2006).


    Paul Harris Goodwill Ambassadorial Scholarship for Peace Studies, Rotary Foundation. (1997-1998).


    Public Presentations


    ‘Partners in What? US-Brazil Relations in the Modernization of Latin America’s Capitalism in the Cold War Era," INCT/INEU, Sao Paulo. (November, 2019).


    ‘Partners in What? US-Brazil Relations and the Path of Modernization of Latin American Capitalism in the Cold War Era,’ Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association of International Relations. Belo Horizonte. (July, 2019).


    ‘What is Going on in Brazil?,’ Denver Justice and Peace Committee, Denver. (April, 2019).


    ‘Contested Identities and Discourses of “Development” in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina,’ Rocky Mountain Council on Latin America Studies Annual Conference. Santa Fe (April, 2019)


    ‘Partners in What? US-Brazil Relations and the Path of Modernization of Latin American Capitalism in the Cold War Era,’ Watson Institute, Brown University (March, 2019)


    ‘Bolsonaro's Brazil: What is Going on Down There?,’ Josef Jorbel School of International Studies, Denver (March, 2019)


    “Latin America’s Democratic Decline,” Josef Jorbel School of International Studies, Denver (January, 2019)


    “Governo Trump – Primeiro Tempo As Eleições de 2018 e Perspectivas,” National Institute of Sciences for the Study of the United States in Brazil, Sao Paulo (November, 2018)


    "Parceiros em quê? Relações EUA-Brasil no caminho da modernização do capitalismo latino-americano durante a Guerra Fria," II Seminario Internacional sobre a Guerra Fria, Universidade de Sao Paulo. (August, 2018).


    "Promoting Capitalism in the Country of the Future: U.S. Foreign Aid to Brazil in the 1960s," Brazilian Studies Association International Conference, Rio de Janeiro. (July, 2018).




    "Os EUA a Guerra Fria e a Modernização do Capitalismo Brasileiro," Fundacao Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro. (June, 2018).


    "What is New in Agribusiness in Brazil? One more Reiteration of Conservative Modernization in the (Forever) Country- of-the-Future," International Workshop on the historical and cultural trajectory of agricultural frontiers and the subjectivities of regional development in the Amazon, Cardiff University, Cardiff. (May, 2018).


    "The Winding Trajectory of Yet Emerging Players: Comparing Brazil’s and Mexico’s International Behaviors at the Dawn of the 21st Century," Latin American Studies Association International Conference, Barcelona. (May, 2018).


    "Partners in What? US-Brazil Relations and the Path of Modernization of Latin American Capitalism in the Cold War," Seminario de Historia Internacional, Cento de Estudos Historicos, Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City. (March, 2018).


    "Desenvolvimento para Quem? Planejamento Estatal, Industrialização e Trabalhadores nos Anos 50," CPDOC, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro. (August, 2017).


    "Friend or Foe? The Alliance for Progress, Brazil and US Relations in the Protracted Promotion of Brazilian Capitalism – Elements of a Research Agenda," Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Universidade de São Paulo. (August, 2017).


    "Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era," Faculdade de Economia e Administração, Universidade de São Paulo. (August, 2017).


    "Os Sentidos do Desenvolvimento Brasileiro na Guerra Fria," Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Universidade de Brasilia. (August, 2017).


    "Trump, Brasil e America Latina: Desafios e Oportunidades," Departamento de Ciencia Politica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. (June, 2017).



    "Trump and Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities," Naval War College, Rio de Janeiro. (June, 2017).


    "Crise tem cinco letras: Trump, Temer e a Debacle da Democracia," Institudo de Estudos Estrategicos, Universidade Federal Fluminense. (June, 2017).


    "US-Brazil and the Search for Development," Rockfeller Archive Center. (May, 2017).


    "Trump and Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities," The Impacts of Election of Trump on Latin America, Freidrich Ebert Stiftung International Conference, Sao Paulo. (March, 2017).


    "Developmental Anthropophagy: Brazil’s Regional and Global Search for National Development in the Postwar Era," American Historical Association, Denver. (January, 2017).


    "Brazil's On-Going Political Crisis," University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder. (November, 2016).


    “What is Happening in Brazil? "An Ominous Regional Trend," Latin American Center, Josef Korbel School of International Studies. (May, 2016).



    "Fifty Years in Five: The Legacy of National Development in Brazil's Postwar Era," Faculty Lecture Series, Denver (May, 2016).


    "Promoting Capitalism ‘na boa ou na marra’: U.S. Foreign Aid to Brazil in the 1960s.," Brazilian Studies Association, Providence, RI. (March, 2016).


    "Friend or Foe? Aid, Cultural Policies, and U.S.-Brazilian Relations in the Implementation of the Alliance for Progress," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta. (January, 2016).


     "O Desenvolvimentismo e os Significados de Desenvolvimento Nacional no Brasil de JK," History Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. (June, 2015).


    "Transforming Brazil: Cold War Policies in the Country of the Future," Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. (June, 2015).


    "What is it in for US? Developmental Policies and Labor Relations in Brazil's Golden Years," Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro. (June, 2015).


    "Development for Whom? Brazilian Developmental Policies in the Long 20th Century," Latin American Studies Association Annual Conference, San Juan. (May, 2015).


    "Democracy, Developmental Issues, and the 2014 Elections in Brazil," History Department and the Latin American Center at the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Denver. (October, 2014).


    "North-American Labor Policies in the Country of the Future: The Case of the 1950s," American Historical Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. (January, 2014).


    "Development Promotion and Political (In)stability: ‘Fifty Years in Five’ and the Meanings of National Development in Cold War Latin America," Texas A&M University Commerce. (March 2013).


    "Autonomy within Borders: Brazilian-U.S. Relations in Transition in the Mid-Twentieth Century.," American History Association, New Orleans. (January, 2013).


    "The Origins of the Brazilian Developmental State – Revisiting the 1950s," Brazilian Studies Association, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. (September 2012).


    "Development in a Global Perspective and Brazil’s Search for a New Historical Discourse in the 1950s," Conference on Latin American History Annual Meeting/AHA, Chicago. (January 2012).


    "Development for Whom? The Council of Development, the Technocrats and Growth-Oriented Developmental Dynamics in 1950s Brazil," Latin American Studies Association, Toronto. (October, 2010).


    "The Institute of Advanced Brazilian Studies and the Technocrats: Development as State-Led Social Inclusion or as Market-Based Economic Growth," Brazilian Studies Association, Brasilia. (July, 2010).


    "Development Promotion and Political Instability: Fifty Years in Five and the Quest for National Development in Post-World War II Latin America," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego. (January, 2010).


    “Crossing Intellectual Borders: Brazil, the World, and Quest for National Development in the 1950s.," International Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro. (July, 2009).


    "Fifty Year in Five: Development Promotion; Labor, and Political Stability in 1950s Brazil. Paper," Latin American Studies Association International Conference, Rio de Janeiro. (June, 2009).


    "Desenvolvimento Nacional como Eixo de Análise Global: O Brasil e o Mundo na Década Desenvolvimentista," Brazilian Historical Association Regional Meeting, Porto Alegre. (April 2008).


    "América Latina: Política e as Relações Internacionais - Da Guerra Fria aos Desafios do Século XXI," Methodist University, Rio de Janeiro. (May, 2007).


    "The Regional Dispute for Leadership in Latin America," College of Arts and Sciences, LaSalle University, Rio de Janeiro. (April, 2007).


    “The International Emergence of Latin American in the 20th Century," Methodist University, Rio de Janeiro. (November, 2006).


    Media Interviews



    Australia Public Radio. (May 25, 2018).

    The Real News. (December 23, 2016).



    Al Jazeera International. (May 17, 2008).

    Rio de Janeiro Public Television Station. (November 14, 2006).


    Academic Advising


    Dissertation Committee Char, “Environmental Governance, Extractive Industries and Struggles for Environmental Justice in Guatemala,” Geography Department. (March to May 2019), Student: Anna Guðbjört Sveinsdóttir.


    Undergraduate Honors Thesis, "Conquest and Control: Treatises and the Beginning of End of Japanese Dominance over the Ainu, 1600s-1900, History Department. (March to May 2019). Student: Oliver Firth


    Master's Thesis Committee Member, "A Comissao Mista Brasil Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Economico e seus impactos para o desenvolvimento tecnico-institucional brasileiro," Institute of International Relations (March 2017 - August 2018). Student: Nathalia Gomes


    Dissertation Committee Chair, "Raça, Jinshu, Race: Whiteness, Japanessness, and Resistance in Sūkyō Mahikari in the Brazilian Amazon," Communication Studies. (January 2018 - May 2018). Student: Moana Luri de Almeida


    Undergraduate Honors Thesis, "Defining Home Through Migration or Exile," History Department. (March, 2018 - May, 2018). Student: Sam Klein


    Dissertation Committee Chair, "Defections and Democracy: Explaining Military Loyalty Shifts and their Impacts on Post-Protest Political Change," Josef Korbel School of International Studies. (January 2018 - April 2018). Student: Kara Kingma Neu


    Dissertation Committee Chair, "The Political Economy of Sandinismo 2.0: Environmental and social implications of paradoxical economic ideologies in post-revolutionary Nicaragua," Geography Department (January 2018 - April 2018). Student: Sarah McCall Harris


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "Seeing Red: Fidel Castro, Uncle Sam and Persistent Assumptions about Castro's Cuba," History Department. (September 2017 - April 2018). Student: Thomas Enck


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "More than Just a Pretty Face: How the Adelita Myth Led to the Erasure of Women’s Involvement in the Mexican Revolution," History Department. (September 2014 - March 2015). Student: Edrea Mendoza


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "Long Live Free Cuba! hip hop and free expression in modern Cuba," History Department. (September 2014 - March 2015). Student: Jesse Bruce


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "How the Office of Strategic Services Won Latin America," History Department. (September 2013 - March 2014). Student: Barron Collier


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "The Quest for National Development: Pragmatism and Centralization under Lazaro Cardenas," History Department. (September 2013 - March 2014). Student: JoseLuiz Rodriguez


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "American Controversies: Transition from the School of Americas to the WHINSEC," History Department. (September 2011 - March 2012). Student: David Joyce


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "Jose Marti: Nationalism and Race in the Making of Independent Cuba in the 1890s," History Department. (September 2011 - March 2012). Student: Nick Donkoh


    Senior Thesis Advisor, "Stop Government Massacre in El Salvador! U.S. Civil Society in Protest During the Salvadoran Civil War (1980-1992)," History Department. (September 2010 - March 2011). Student: Anne Sligh




    University of Denver


    Member, Faculty Advisory Board, Scrivner Institute of Public Policy (2019 - Present)


    Committee Member, Divisional Tenure Process, College of Arts and Sciences (2019-2020)


    Mentor, New Faculty Mentoring Program, College of Arts and Sciences (2019-2020)



    Committee Chair, Senior Theses Assessment Committee. History Department (2012 - 2019).


    Committee Member, Search Committee on Indigenous History. (2018 - 2019).


    Faculty Advisor, Fulbright Visiting Fellow. (2017 - 2018).


    Committee Member, Search Committee Ancient and Medieval History. (2015 - 2016).


    Faculty Senate, Senator for History Department. (2012 - 2016).


    Committee Member, Task force for creation of a Latin American Studies minor. (2014 - 2015).


    Committee Member, Task force for creation of Intercultural Global Studies Minor. (2010 - 2015).


    Professional and Public


    Board Member, Denver Peace and Justice Committee.


    Board Member, US Network for Democracy in Brazil.


    Editorial Review Board Member, Diversitates (Academic Journal).


    Referee, Articles and Books for Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin America, Critical Historical Studies, American Historical Review, Latin American Research Review, Social History, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Stanford University Press, Oxford University Press, UNC Press.


    Additional Teaching Positions


    Colegio de Mexico (Visiting Faculty, Spring 2018)


    University of Sao Paulo (Visiting Faculty, Fall 2017)


    Dillard University (Visiting Faculty, 2008-2009)


    Methodist University of Rio de Janeiro (Teaching Professor, 2006-2007)


    La Salle University of Rio de Janeiro (Teaching Professor, 2005-2006)


    Membership in Professional Associations


    Brazilian Studies Association, BRASA.

    Latin American Studies Association, LASA.

    Conference on Latin American History, CLAH.

    American Historical Association, AHA.

    International Studies Association, ISA.

    Brazilian Association of International Relations, ABRI.

    Additional Professional Experiences


    Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, United States International University, San Diego, 1999-2001.


                Sales and Marketing Coordinator, International Power Supplies, San Diego, 1998-1999.


                English Instructor, Public School, Brasilia 1996-1997.


    Art Producer, Pinheiro Producoes Teatrais, Brasilia. 1995-1996.


    Actor, Brasilia, 1995-1996




    Portuguese (native)

    English (fluent)

    Spanish (advanced),

    French (intermediate)

This portfolio last updated: 29-Jan-2020 9:45 AM