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  • Publications

  • Books & Chapters


    2019. Silent Consensus in Turkey: Women in the Age of Neoliberalism & Islamic Conservatism (with Gamze Çavdar) Routledge

    [The winner of the 2021 Suraj Mal and Shyama Devi Agarwal Book Prize of the International Association for Feminist Economics].

    Book Chapters

    1. Çavdar, Gamze & Yaşar, Y. “Moving Beyond Culturalism and Formalism: Islam, Women, and Political Unrest in the Middle East,” in Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities: Critical Feminist and Postcolonial Analyses, Ebru Kongar, Jennifer C. Olmsted, and Elora Shehabuddin (eds.), Routledge, London and NewYork.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    2019. Çavdar, G., Yaşar, Y., Fisk, Jonathan. “Student Biases About the Middle East: Lessons from an Experiment,” Journal of Political Science Education. (

    1. Yaşar, Y. “Social economics of health and medical care in the age of global financial crisis: a teaching proposal,” International Journal of Social Economics,
    1. Schneider, M., Yaşar, Y. “Is inequality deadly and for whom? A Bayesian Model Averaging Analysis,” the Social Science Journal, In Press, Available online 7 March 2016.
    1. Lautzenheiser, M., Yaşar, Y. “Keynes’ attack on the citadel: proportionality, the two-price theory, monetary circulation,” the Review of Keynesian Economics, vol.4, issue: 1, 99-113.
    1. Çavdar, G., Yaşar, Y. “Moving Beyond Culturalism and Formalism: Islam, Women, and Political Unrest in the Middle East,” Feminist Economics. Volume 20, 2014 - Issue 4, pp.33-57.
    1. Yasar, Y. "The Crisis in the Turkish Pension System: A Post Keynesian Perspective," Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 36, No. 1: 131-152. (Fall).
    1. Lautzenheiser, M. & Yaşar, Y. “Krugman Meets Marx and Keynes at the Baby-sitting Co-op”, Forum for Social Economics. (First Published Online: 10 June 2011).Vol. 42. Issue: 1:24-37.
    1. Yaşar, Y. & Yenimahalleli Yaşar, G. “Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Sosyal Politikada Dönüşüm (Neoliberal Globalization and Transformation of Social Policy),” Mülkiye Dergisi, Vol. XXXVI; No: 274 (Spring).
    1. Yaşar, Y. Turkey’s Environment and Public Health in the Neo-Liberal Age: An Inconvenient Truth. Arab World Geographer, Vol: 15, No:1: 20-44.
    1. Yaşar, Y. “Competition among Health Plans and Women's Use of Preventive Care: A Multilevel Analysis,” International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 42, 11: pg. 273-300.
    1. Yaşar, Y. “Gender, Development and Neo-Liberalism: HIV/AIDS in Cambodia,” Review of Radical Political Economics, vol. 42, 4: pg. 528-548. (December)
    1. Yaşar, Y. “It’s the prices, stupid: The underlying problems of the U.S. Social Security system,” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLIII (4):843-865.
    1. Yaşar, Y. “The Health Insurance Market, Labor Unions, and Utilization of Cancer Screening,” Social Science Journal Vol. 46 (2) 319–334.
    1. Lautzenheiser, M. & Yaşar, Y. “Circulation and Effective Demand: A Comment on Nell,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, No: 4, pp. 651-656. (July)
    1. Lautzenheiser, M. & Yaşar, Y. “Teaching Macroeconomics by Bringing Marx into the Classroom,” Review of Radical Political Economics, Volume 37, No. 3, pp. 329-339). (Summer)
    1. Taymaz, E., Yılmaz, A., & Yaşar, Y. “Choice of Technology in Developing Countries: The Case of Flexible Automation in Turkey", Proceedings, the Sixth International Conference on Management of Technology in Göteburg. (June 25-28)
  • Work-in-progress

  • Work in Progress

    Book Projects in Progress

     JDP and Social Policy (with Gamze Çavdar): A book project on social policy practices of Turkey's Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (Justice and Development Party) in Turkey between 2002 and present from a critical political economy perspective. [IN PROGRESS]

    Toward a Social Economics of Health Care: A Proposal: A book project on an alternative approach to health economics based on the social determinants of health and social economics. [IN PROGRESS]

    Article Projects in Progress

    ‘Equity in Financing Healthcare: The Case of Turkey (2003-2013)’ [with Mete Can Özçöerekçi; in progress and will be submitted to American Journal of Public Health].

    “Health Economics: “Rosencrantz to Medicine’s Hamlet” or Hamlet Himself?” (On the influence of economics (or “economic gaze”) on medical profession).




  • Working Papers & Technical Reports

  • Working Papers

     2005. Screening for Cancer and Market Structure: A Multilevel Analysis for Mammogram and Pap-Smear Utilization in the U.S.; HEW, Economics Working Paper Archive at WUSTL

    2005. Krugman Meets Marx and Keynes at the Baby-sitting Co-op (with Mark Lautzenheiser); Social Science Research Network Electronic (SSRN) Paper Collection.


     2005. What is the Human Development Impact Assessment (HDIA) of Trade Accession?, prepared for the UNDP-country office, Phnom Penh , Cambodia .

    2005. On the Methodology of Human Development Impact Assessment (HDIA) of Trade Accession Project, prepared for the UNDP-country office, Phnom Penh , Cambodia .

    2005. Community Based Financing Healthcare in Cambodia , prepared for the UNDP-country office, Phnom Penh , Cambodia .

This portfolio last updated: 23-Aug-2021 9:29 PM