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  • Posters - 2022 GEPSC: Reflecting on Giftedness

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    Abstracts further below.

    1. Allen, William Thomas (Tom)., @tallen_william. & Hunsaker, Scott L. Gifted Student and Bully: Definitional Reflections.
    2. Arnstein, Karen. @KarenArnstein., & Gelston, Barry B. @MrGelston. The Spiral Model of Development: Understanding the GT/2e Developmental Trajectory.
    3. Boley, Vicki. @Vicki_Boley. Gifted Program Identification Procedures: A Hidden Curriculum.
    4. Cathcart, Rosemary. What Does it Mean to be Gifted? A New Zealand Approach.
    5. Field, Eric. Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge of Twice-Exceptionality.
    6. Friedrichs, Terence., & Chaudhari, Anushka. The Kids Fighting to Save Gifted Education: Teens and Adult Mentors Describe Growth in Youth, Community, and Legislator Awareness of Gifted Education Needs.
    7. Hertzog, Nancy et al. @nhertzog. Equity in Gifted Education - Case Studies of District Reforms.
    8. Hock, Michelle. @MichelleHock13. Teaching Gifted Learners: Mapping Opportunities in Pre-Service Training.
    9. Lambright, Nicole. Predicting Teacher Support for Interventions with Underachieving Gifted Students.
    10. McKoy, Stefanie. @Stefanie_McKoy. 30 Years Later and Nothing's Changed: Teaching Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom.
    11. Moreno Mugabo, Keila. Gifted Immigrant Children.
    12. Pileggi, Jervaise. @VaiseyMay. Bibliotherapy through a Gifted Lens: A Review of the Literature.
    13. Soto-Harrison, Marisa. Underachieving Profoundly Gifted Students.
    14. Trujillo, Darrell., & Romero, Lora. Underrepresentation of Minority Gifted Students within the Public School System.
    15. Winterbrook, Abby. Multicultural Perceptions of Creativity: What Does the Literature Say?
  • Gifted Student and Bullying: Definitional Reflections

    William T. (Tom) Allen, PhD


    Gifted Education Teacher, Granite School District

    Scott L. Hunsaker, PhD

    Associate Professor, Utah State University

    Studies on the prevalence of bullying among gifted students are often contradictory.  One contributing factor may be how bullying is defined.  Differences in bullying definitions among federal and local authorities, researchers, and the students themselves may lead to inconsistent findings. Given this external inconsistency, this qualitative study with six young adolescent gifted students explores the students’ internal inconsistencies with regard to defining bullying. These students ignored certain aspects of official definitions but then contradicted themselves when describing bullying experiences. Based on these students’ reflections, educators of gifted students can reflect on their own approaches to bullying among gifted students.

    Keywords. bullying, early adolescents, junior high school



    The Spiral Model of Development: Understanding the GT/2e Developmental Trajectory

    Karen Arnstein, EdD


    Assistant Professor, University of Houston-Downtown

    Barry B. Gelston


    Doctoral Student, Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity

    What does Bronfenbrenner, the Greenland Problem, and the Solar System have to do with understanding the developmental trajectory of gifted and twice-exceptional learners? Our common perspectives can be re-examined through a different lens with the potential to change the future of research related to identifying and serving these students within the educational setting. A conceptual framework will be offered that enabling attendees to examine the distortions of our current understanding of giftedness and twice-exceptionality. Dig in deep to learn how the Spiral Model of Development emerged and how it can set a new paradigm for educators and researchers.

    Keywords. twice-exceptional, developmental trajectory, Bronfenbrenner, Spiral Model



    Gifted Program Identification Procedures: A Hidden Curriculum

    Vicki Boley, MA


    PhD Student, University of Denver

    Lifting up research on Indigenous perceptions of giftedness, this poster presentation posits that gifted programming identification procedures often epitomize a dangerous hidden curriculum founded on white, Westernized educational practices. Drawing from research and theory on critical hope and positionality , two tables within the poster are presented; one to examine hokey versus critical gifted programing practices, and one to examine dehumanizing versus humanizing gifted identification procedures.

    Keywords. giftedness, Indigenous, critical hope, humanizing



    What Does it Mean to Be Gifted? A New Zealand Approach

    Rosemary Cathcart, PhD

    Director, REACH Education, New Zealand

    If we are to describe some students as “gifted”, we must have a clear and defensible basis for making such a distinction. It is argued that the current focus on measurable achievement, particularly academic achievement, as the sole criterion and goal is not defensible, in that it sets a goal which is limited in vision and fails to acknowledge the multiple factors which in all individuals combine to produce ultimate learning outcomes and performance. A more realistic approach must take this multiplicity of factors into account and identify those factors which specifically differentiate the gifted from the non-gifted learner. This process also enables us to set a more appropriate goal for the gifted individual, one which has regard – as all learning must – for the future adult life of that individual in the community.

    Keywords. gifted, definition, New Zealand



    Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge of Twice-Exceptionality

    Eric R. Field, MEd

    PhD Student, University of Iowa

    As education professionals, we reflect on the gifted population we need to serve. Often, our concept of giftedness may overlook those gifted students with coexisting disabilities, or twice-exceptional students. Often these students may not receive appropriate services when one of their circumstances dominates the other (Baldwin et al, 2015). Previous studies (Foley-Nicpon et al. 2013; Wormald & Bannister-Tyrell, 2021) surveyed current education professionals with the Twice-Exceptional Needs Assessment Survey and found that educators needed more familiarity and experience in working with twice-exceptional students. This study surveys whether pre-service teachers are getting the necessary knowledge in their coursework about twice-exceptional students.

    Keywords. twice-exceptional, pre-service teachers, assessment, underserved gifted populations



    The Kids Fighting to Save Gifted Education: Teens and Adult Mentors Describe Growth in Youth, Community, and Legislator Awareness of Gifted Education Needs

    Terence Friedrichs, PhD

    Director, Friedrichs Education

    Anushka Chaudhari, HS Diploma

    HS Senior, East View HS, Apple Valley, MN

    In the spirit of critical pedagogue Paolo Freire (1970), this session presents an effective instance of Minnesota youth growing in critical reflection on their gifted education needs. First, gifted students at three Minnesota suburban high schools analyzed and evaluated their own educational needs, then taught community citizens about those needs, then convinced state legislators to address those needs through statewide legislation mandating funding and policy improvements. The "giftedness awareness" program asked gifted teens to engage in a public controversy that involved them, not avoid it. Participants reported better educational self-understanding, received numerous supportive letters from parents, teachers, and newspapers, and achieved the remarkable sponsorship of their bill from 1/3 of the Minnesota Legislature.

    Previously Presented

    Friedrichs, T. P., Kulkarni, A., Bhor, D., & Chaudhari, A. (2021). The kids fighting to save gifted education. Interactive electronic session for the World Council on Gifted, June 2021.

    Keywords. Teens, critical pedagogy, gifted education awareness, legislation



    Equity in Gifted Education - Case Studies of District Reforms

    Nancy Hertzog, PhD


    Professor, University of Washington

    Bahjah Alsulami, A.J. Balatio, Megan Benzing, Emma Cho, Nicholas Copeland, Grace Crowley, Pauline Dott, Alejandra Franco, Vivien He, Daisy Lemus, Angy Porras Gonzalez, Esh Sathiyamoorthy, Chomchat Silarat, Samara Tobey, Kendall Vinyard, Jiaying Wang, Katherine Zhao, Miao Zhi

    Graduate Students, EDSPY 581D – Equity in Gifted Education

    Reflecting on giftedness through the eyes of administrators who must implement equitable gifted programs is critical to understanding how the field must move forward. Researchers collected and analyzed data from four large urban school districts to examine ways that administrators navigated changes in their gifted programs to address underrepresentation of minorities and inequitable access to advanced learning opportunities. Findings may inform leaders and practitioners about policy levers, stakeholder buy in, and the change process that is necessary to support restructuring of gifted education to be more accessible and equitable for all students.

    Keywords. equitable practices, case study, restructure, increase access



    Teaching Gifted Learners: Mapping Opportunities in Pre-Service Training

    Michelle Hock, MEd


    EdD Student in Curriculum and Instruction, Gifted Education, University of Virginia

    Equitable learning opportunities for academically gifted children provide them with rigorous curricular and instructional experiences that lead to growth. Given this, it is critical that pre-service teachers (PSTs) are prepared to enter the profession with the knowledge and competencies needed to challenge gifted learners academically, and therefore, serve them equitably. This poster will present findings from a study that explores how PSTs learn about and conceptualize their work with gifted children in English/language arts classrooms. The poster will highlight PSTs’ reflections on the nature of giftedness, their preparation for teaching gifted learners, and their approaches to providing gifted children with equitable learning opportunities.

    Keywords. pre-service teachers, English language arts, gifted



    Predicting Teacher Support for Interventions with Underachieving Gifted Students

    Nicole Lambright, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Capella University

    This study examines teacher mindset (growth, fixed, or mixed), type of professional development (gifted or general education), and years of teaching experience as predictors of teacher support for interventions with underachieving gifted students. Current literature describes the excellence gap that exists due to ongoing academic underachievement of gifted students, but what is not known is how teacher characteristics such as those in this study correlate with teacher decisions to intervene when gifted students do not work to their full potential. Recommendations for future research include examination of additional teacher variables as well as student variables that impact intervention implementation for underachieving gifted students.

    Keywords. gifted, underachievement, professional development, mindset



    30 Years Later and Nothing's Changed: Teaching Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom

    Stefanie McKoy, MA


    Graduate Student, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville - Fayetteville, AR

    This study investigates the instructional and curricular practices of teachers serving gifted students in the regular classroom. The researcher distributed the Classroom Practice Questionnaire Survey through social media and email targeting public school teachers instructing gifted students in the regular classroom. The findings suggest teachers do not modify questioning and thinking instructional practices or differentiate enrichment curricular modifications for gifted students.

    Previously Presented

    McKoy, S. L. (2022, January). 30 years and nothing’s changed: Teaching gifted students in the regular classroom. [Poster]. Council of Exceptional Children Convention & Expo, Orlando, Florida.

    Keywords. classroom practices survey, differentiation, enrichment, curriculum,



    Gifted Immigrant Children

    Keila Moreno Mugabo, MA

    EdD Student, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

    Giftedness exists across all demographics. It’s important to reflect on how to improve the identification of and service towards students who are underrepresented. One specific group of students who are often overlooked in gifted programs includes immigrant children. The United States has a significant portion of immigrant families. These individuals encounter various challenges as they move to a new country. Educators should be aware of the change and acculturation stress that children from other countries experience. This poster will present information on the prevalence of immigrant children in the U.S., some of their characteristics, and research-based practices to serve their needs.

    Keywords. immigration, children, underrepresentation, identification, service



    Bibliotherapy through a Gifted Lens: A Review of the Literature

    Jervaise Pileggi, MEd


    EdD Student, Secondary Gifted Coordinator, University of Denver, Woodland Park School District

    This poster will review the origins of bibliotherapy and how it was adapted for use in gifted education. It will explore definitions, the division in practice, gifted readers, and reader preferences. The seminal works of bibliotherapy will be examined, as well as the evolution of The Bibliotherapeutic Process.

    Keywords. bibliotherapy, bibliotherapeutic process, gifted readers, reading preferences



    Underachieving Profoundly Gifted Adolescents

    Marisa Soto-Harrison, EdD

    President, Sierra Gifted Educational Services

    Underachieving Profoundly Gifted Adolescents is a phenomenological study that explores the lived experiences of five underachieving profoundly gifted adolescents. Profoundly gifted individuals are those whose IQ scores are at the 99.9th percentile. This study explored factors contributing to underachievement among this subpopulation of gifted students. Findings indicated five themes that contribute to underachievement among this population. Based on the findings, all five of the contributing factors; expectations, social issues, mental health issues, rebellion, and motivation proved to be interrelated and synergistic.

    Previously Presented

    Soto-Harrison, M. (2021, November). Exploring the experiences of underachieving profoundly gifted adolescents. National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Denver, CO.

    Keywords. profoundly gifted, underachievement, expectations



    Underrepresentation of Minority Gifted Students within the Public School System

    Darrell Trujillo, MA

    EdD Student, University of Denver

    Lora Romero, MS

    EdD Student, University of Denver

    The content of this poster will allow individuals to reflect on the inequities of gifted education. Further, the poster will allow for self-reflection as you go back into your schools.

    Keywords. inequities, traditionally marginalized, bias



    Multicultural Perceptions of Creativity: What Does the Literature Say?

    Abby Winterbrook, MA

    EdD Student, University of Denver

    This presentation explores the literature that exists regarding creativity, culture, perceptions, and giftedness. The connections between these areas and how they influence one another is examined. The history, definitions, and theories that exist on creativity are described. The connections between culture and creativity are examined to uncover what literature exists about perceptions of creativity from Eastern and Western perspectives. An in-depth look at literature surrounding creatively gifted individuals is provided to gain a better context into the traits and characteristics of creatively gifted.

    Keywords. creativity, culture, creatively gifted


  • Virtual Poster Session on Twitter

    Friday, March 18, 2022,

    4:55 pm - 5:30 pm MDT

    On Twitter, explore #2022GEPSC

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This portfolio last updated: 31-Aug-2023 11:43 AM